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Exotic Meats

Exotic Meats
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Bison Steaks Sourced from North America, and often referred to as Buffalo Meat but not to be conf..
Blesbok Haunch Steaks - from South Africa Very tender, deep red meat. Simple preparation is the b..
Camel Haunch Steaks Pack Size 150g x 2 Country of Origin Australia ..
Horse Haunch Steaks One of our more controversial products! Great flavour - slightly gamey, a ..
Impala Haunch Steaks from South East Africa, impala is very tender with very little fat, virtuall..
Kangaroo meat is a great source of high quality protein, naturally lean, it is low in fat, low ..
Llama Haunch Steaks from South America, a relation of the camel. The meat tastes somewhere bet..
Springbok Haunch Steaks The most common of South Africa's antelopes, it is their national emblem...
Squirrel (Grey) Oven Ready Grey Squirrel is a fantastic low fat completely free range option, the..
Waghu Rump Steaks Pack Size 150g x 2 Country of Origin UK ..
Zebra Haunch Steaks From South Africa, a deep red meat with a medium grain. High in protein and i..